
Getting your metaphorical foot in the door is one thing, but designing the runner on that foot as a rookie is incalculably tougher! When Stephanie Howard joined New Balance straight outta design college in 1994, she officially became the youngest member of the creative team.

‘Minimalism is definitely close to my heart. I think that simplicity and a deep consideration for what is – and what is not – required is super important. But the human need for self-expression is a powerful force that can’t be denied. Sometimes our state of mind requires much more than basic components when we’re all trying to tell our individual stories. That’s where the fun comes into everything.’

Well said! And finally, what are you doing these days?
In my consultancy I work with authentic brands and focus on innovation. A lot of that includes different ways of manufacturing materials, as well as sustainability. My consultancy is called ‘How and Why’ and that name is derived from my mission to bridge the gap between what is and what could be. To explain that idea further, human values and cultural shifts drive all of our insights, meaning random products should never be designed without a how and why something should exist. So I try to define design in a way that makes it more purposeful. I’m also part of a new footwear startup. Outside of that I also have a new passion which is to solve the disconnect between food and health. That’s far from my usual work but since all design is really problem solving, it’s an area that definitely needs insight. Thanks for your time. Thanks for taking me back to 1996. I love that the New Balance 850 is returning 20 years after I designed it. The 1990s was such a fun roller-coaster ride!

This interview was originally published in Sneaker Freaker Issue 42. You can get your copy HERE.